Disconnection of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT if you receive a Delinquency Notice of Water Service Disconnection, Final Notice of Disconnection of Water Service 48-Hour Notification, or Final Notice of Alternative Payment Arrangement Default and Disconnection of Water Service 5-Day Notification, water service is scheduled to be disconnected for non-payment.  To avoid the loss of water service, you must pay the delinquent amount, including any Late Fees and Final Notice of Disconnection of Water Service 48-Hour Notification Notice Fee of $35, in full or make payment arrangements by 4:00 p.m. prior to Shut Off Date.

To avoid disconnection, payments can be made by telephone, online at lindawater.com, by mail, or in person. The District accepts checks, Visa, MasterCard, and cash. Please do not mail cash or place cash in the payment drop box. Payment for delinquent service bills will not be accepted by field personnel at the time of disconnection.

If District staff is dispatched to disconnect service for non-payment, a fee not to exceed $50 will be added to the balance owed. 

In some circumstances, financial assistance may be available from federal, state, local, or private sources. You may wish to contact the Yuba County Health and Human Services (www.yuba.org), the California Department of Community Services & Development, LIHWAP (www.csd.ca.gov), or Community Resource Project, Inc. (www.cresource.org) to determine whether financial assistance is available.

If you would like to make a payment, learn how to continue water service at your address, or obtain more information, please call the District at (530) 743-2043 or come to the District office at 1280 Scales Ave., Marysville, CA, to speak to a customer service representative. The District’s business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The complete Policy of Disconnection of Services for Non-payment is provided below under Relevant Documents.


To avoid the loss of water service as a non-responsible tenant, you must contact your landlord, property manager or property owner to work out any disputes over payment of the water bill.

As a tenant you have a right to become a District customer responsible for the account. However, if you do this you will become responsible for all future billings for the water used at this property. If you meet our requirements to become a new customer and agree to comply with our rules and regulations, which may include the payment of a deposit, water service will be continued without requiring you to pay the current outstanding balance.

Annual Discontinuations of Residential Service for Inablitly to Pay:

Calendar Year 2023 - 192

Calendar Year 2024 - 334